Saturday, April 2, 2011

my 1st analogue

As the title implied, i got my FIRST analogue camera!

what is an analogue camera u might ask? (or not) :P
it is a film-based still or movie camera. so it uses film not digital.
(mcm cikgu)

I admit, I'm a total amateur, but i get some tips from lomography if ur interested, come check it out

I bought Diana F+ Hong Meow 120mm camera

i also got a DianaF+ 20mm Fisheye Lens..

All of it cost me RM400 (po-kai)

since i already bought a 35mm film beforehand, i decided to load it into this 120mm camera..
in less than a week i finished snapping (mostly cats), maxed out the film and send it to Fotosun in SS2 and will get the image maybe tomorrow.

i hope the film isn't over-exposed :(


  1. :) cool ke? huhu the films r quite expensive

  2. bape 1 filem?
    ak dlu ade membe gk minat camera lame..
    tp jenis yg snap pic trus kua gmbar 2..
    lg olskul siot

  3. oh polaroid! mcm best juga.
    1 film depends film apa, kalau 120mm biasanya mahal sikit and sikit je boleh snap. kalau 35mm banyak snap. kalau slide film kena cross-process which is mahal sikit and susah nak jmp kedai nak buatkan skrg. also, tgk effect apa film tu bg, B&W, redscale etc..

    anyway, i prefer camera mcm ni sb we're anticipating the outcome mcm mana it turns out kan? huhu suspense sikit :)
