Tuesday, April 19, 2011


i was actually watching zombieland for the 2nd time and notice one part where
they were smoking weed like the people here in Malaysia smoke their shisha in the mamak restaurant.

according to the urban dictionary
weed is....."God's gift to the world. Brings peace when used wisely"
haha the urban dictionary lots of wicket stuff about everything. so don't take it seriously!

of course weed is illegal in Malaysia.
watching movies of people getting high and especially from That 70's Show,
i always wondered how it's like.

have any of u guys ever smoke pot? do share ur experience :)


  1. cm knal je cite ni :p

  2. zombieland buat kali ke-2.. tp second time baru realise that its emma stone yg berlakon. n she's getting stoned huhu
